The FDA-approved liquid CGP test
with the fastest turnaround time.

Industry-leading speed and sensitivity
to find more biomarkers in less time.1

Fastest turnaround time
with results in <7 days1,2*


For the complete intended use statement including companion diagnostic indications,
please see the Guardant360 CDx Technical Information:

Broadest coverage
with >92% of patients paying $0

Lowest reportable range
down to 0.001% MAF5

CGP, comprehensive genomic profiling; MAF, mutant allele fraction.
*Of FDA-approved comprehensive liquid biopsies as of February 2024.
†Fastest average turnaround time from sample receipt to results based on stated average turnaround times from Integra Connect data.
‡More than 92% of patients are assigned $0 by their insurance for a
Guardant360 CDx test.